Within Australia 1
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William Foxton b.1725
Rev. George Foxton
Dr. John Foxton
Capt. John Foxton
John Greenlaw Foxton
Dr. W. Foxton Hayley
Col. Justin F G Foxton
The Pantons
Dr Harold V Foxton
Rev. G.F.H. Foxton
Postcards 1900-1910
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Within Australia From Britain From Europe  


Postcards addressed to Justin Fox Greenlaw Foxton at The Priory, Indooroopilly, Brisbane.
The Priory priory pic.jpg (67525 bytes) priory text.jpg (84182 bytes)

From Ballandean, Stanthorpe

 23 Sep 1906


ballandean pic.jpg (94123 bytes) ballandean text.jpg (142696 bytes)
Victoria Barracks vicbarracks pic.jpg (156000 bytes) vicbarracks text.jpg (88137 bytes)

Postcards addressed to Mrs JFG Foxton at The Priory, Indooroopilly, Brisbane,  at the Oriental Hotel, Melbourne, and at Pacific Hotel, Southport, Queensland.

Hobart, Tasmania hobart pic.jpg (185757 bytes) hobart text.jpg (104333 bytes)

Ipswich, Queensland

18 December 1906

ipswichpark pic.jpg (130802 bytes) ipswichpark text.jpg (141403 bytes)
Melbourne Botanical Gardens melbourne pic.jpg (142209 bytes) melbourne text.jpg (92998 bytes)

Clifton Station, Toowoomba

28 Dec 1905

clifton pic.jpg (120621 bytes) clifton text.jpg (157659 bytes)

National Art Gallery, Sydney

30 January 1907

artgallerysydney pic.jpg (129548 bytes) artgallerysydney text.jpg (174129 bytes)


Birds Eye

melbourne birdseye pic.jpg (170074 bytes) melbourne birdseye text.jpg (112890 bytes)
Melbourne Botanical Gardens melbournegardens pic.jpg (208764 bytes) melbournegardens text.jpg (125614 bytes)

Middle Harbour, Sydney

21 December 1905

middleharbour pic.jpg (131858 bytes) middleharbour text.jpg (104432 bytes)

Walker Hospital, Parramatta

December 1906

parramatta pic.jpg (116865 bytes) parramatta text.jpg (135065 bytes)
More postcards sent within Australia