Dr. John Foxton
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William Foxton b.1725
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Capt. John Foxton
John Greenlaw Foxton
Dr. W. Foxton Hayley
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Dr Harold V Foxton
Rev. G.F.H. Foxton
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William Foxton (brother)


Mary Foxton (sister)


Rev. George Foxton (brother)


Captain John Foxton (son)


William Foxton (son)


Mary Ann Foxton (daughter) Dr. Henry Foxton (son??)
Dr. John Foxton was born in 1759 in Newport, Shropshire, and died in Gloucester. He married Mary Palmer in 1785 in Lambourne, Berkshire. Their children were:
  • Captain John Foxton, born about 1787 and died in 1817 at St. Helena, France.
  • Mary Ann Foxton, who married Rev. Arthur Meyrick of Ramsbury Wiltshire.
  • Dr. Henry Foxton ????, who died in 1835 at Lambeth Road, Surry.
  • William Foxton, born in 1792, died in 1841?