Will of William
Foxton, Gentleman of No. 1 Cliffords Inn, City of London
This is the last Will and Testament
of me William Foxton of No. 1 Cliffords Inn in the City of London
Gentleman. I desire that I
may be devoutly interred in the Church Yard of the parish where I may
happen to die, I order and direct that all my just debts and my funeral
and testamentary expenses may be paid and satisfied by my Executors herein
after named as soon as courteously may be after my decease out of my
personal estate.
I give and advise all that my
household estate consisting of several Messuages or tenements Barns
Stables and other out buildings and sixty three acres of land or
thereabouts situate at up Lambourne in the county of Berks, which were
devised to me by the last will and Testament of my Grandmother Mary Price,
deceased, with their appurtendures unto Mary Foxton daughter of my Uncle
the Reverend George Foxton and her assigns during the term of her natural
life and from and immediately after her decease then I give devise the
said messuages, lands, tenements, habitaments and premises with their
appointments, unto and to the use of my niece Emma Meyrick daughter of the
Reverend Arthur Meyrick of Ramsbury Wiltshire her heirs and assigns
forever. But if the said Emma
Meyrick will happen to depart this life under the age of twenty one years
then I give and devise the said messuages, lands, tenements and
habitaments with their appartenaures unto and to the use of the Eldest
Brother of the said Emma Meyrick who shall be living at the time of her
decease his heirs and assigns forever.
And I give and devise all that my
Copyhold Estate consisting of several pieces or parcels of Ground with
several messuages or tenements rented and built thereon situate lying and
being on the South side of a New Road leaving from the Oval Harrington to
Dauxhall Bridge in the parish of Saint Mary Kennington in the County of
Surrey which I purchased of the trustees of Sir Joseph Marobey Barouct
deceased with their appurtenames unto Miss Martha Palmer sister of Mr.
Thomas Anthony Palmer one of my Executors hereinafter named and her
assignee for and during the term of her natural life, and from and
immediately after her decease then I give and devise the said last
mentioned messuages, lands, tenements and habitaments with their
appurtenames, unto and to the use of the above named Emma Meyrick her
heirs and assigns forever. But
if the said Emma Meyrick shall happen to depart this life under the age of
twenty one years then I give and devise the said messuages, lands,
tenements and habitaments last mentioned with their appurtenames unto and
to the use of the second Eldest Brother of the said Emma Meyrick who shall
be living at the time of her decease his heirs and assigns forever.
And I declare and direct that it
shall be lawful for the said Mary Foxton during her life in respect of the
said freehold messuages, Lands, tenements and habitaments with their
appurtenanures herein before devised to her and also for the said Martha
Palmer during her life in respect of the said Copyhold in messuages,
Lands, tenements and habitaments with their appurtenanures herein before
devised to her but as to such Copyhold habit aments with the advise and
consent of the Lord or Lady of the Manor whereof the same are holden to
grant leases from time to time of all or any part of the said freehold and
Copyhold habit aments and premises unto any person or persons for any time
or number of years not exceeding twenty one years in possession and not in
evasion or by way of future interest at the best or most improved will or
wills that can be reasonably obtained for the same without taking any fine
or premiums and under the usual conditions.
I give and bequeath the following
pecuniary legacies /that is to say/ to Thomas Palmer of the Rolls Chapel
Gentleman and my cousin Thomas Anthony Palmer as my Executors hereinafter
named the sum of one hundred pounds, and to the said Mary Foxton daughter
of the Reverend George Foxton five hundred pounds, to my said Niece Emma
Meyrick one hundred pounds, to the said Thomas Anthony Palmer, in addition
to what I have before left him as one of my Executors, one thousand
pounds, to the said Martha Palmer two hundred and fifty pounds, to William
Palmer her brother fifty pounds, to William Foxton Turner of Newport
Shropshire three hundred pounds, to the said Thomas Palmer, in addition to
what I have before left him as one of my Executors, fifty pounds, to Mrs.
Palmer his wife ten guineas, to Ann Palmer, Ellen Palmer and Agnes Palmer,
their daughters, ten guineas, to Mr. George Spirer of the parsonage
Lambourne, fifty pounds, to Mrs. Spirer his wife ten guineas, to their two
children, ten Guineas each, to Mr. Thomas Pain Queen’s Remembrances
Office nineteen guineas, to Mrs. Pain his wife and each of their three
children ten guineas each, to Mr. Charles Pain of Surry Street Strand one
hundred pounds, to his son William Istury Pain, my Godson, fifty pounds,
to William Foxton Nightingale my Godson, nineteen Guineas, To Mr. Amos
Foster of Boomfield Deptford fifty pounds, to Mrs. Foster, his wife, ten
guineas, to Amy Foster, his daughter, nineteen guineas, to Frederick
Foster, his Eldest son, ten guineas, to his daughter Margaret ten guineas,
to Elizabeth Woodstock, my servant, whether living with me or not at the
time of my decease fifty pounds, to Mrs. Ellen Bradley commonly called
Mrs. Ellen Roberts, the sister of my old acquaintance Mr. William Roberts
fifty pounds for her sole and separate use and benefit independent of her
husband and her receipt alone to be a sufficient discharge to my
Executors, for the same to her two children the sum of fifteen pounds
each, in case her said children or either of them shall be under the age
of twenty one years at my decease I direct my Executors to pay the Legary
or Legatees of the said child or children as the case may be to their said
brother whose receipt shall be as sufficient discharge for the same.
To each of the sons of my sister Mary Ann Meyrick, nineteen
guineas, to the Treasurer for the time being of the Magdalene Hospital one
hundred pounds for the benefit of the said charity.
To the Treasurer for the time being of the Fernale Orphan Asylum
Lambeth one hundred pounds for the benefit of the said charity, to the
Treasurer for the time being of the Deaf and Dumb Hospital in the Kent
Road one hundred pounds for the benefit of the said charity, to the
Treasurer for the time being of the Blind School Saint George Fields one
hundred pounds for the benefit of the said charity, to the Treasurer for
the time being of the Philanthropic Society Saint Georges Field One
hundred pounds for the benefit of the said charity, to my said Sister Mary
Ann Meyrick two hundred and fifty pounds to be divided by her in five
pound shares and given in secret to fifty poor individuals of Chipping
Lambourne and Up Lambourne married or single male or female as she in her
discretion may think deserving and I declare it to be my will that her
receipt alone for the said two hundred and fifty pounds shall be a
sufficient discharge to my Executors and in case I should die at my said
Uncles’ The Reverend George Foxton’s, to Ann his servant nineteen
guineas and to his other servants ten guineas each.
I give and bequeath to the said Thomas Palmer of the Rolls Chapel
my Ross Encyclopaedia (forty eight volumes) and to the said Thomas Anthony
Palmer all my other books, and I give and bequeath all the First Residue
and Remainder of my goods, chattels, monies, and securities for money and
all other my personal estate and effects of what nature or kind soever and
wheresoever not herein before given or disposed of after and subject to
the payment of my said debts and expenses herein before mentioned and the
several pecuniary Legacies hereinbefore or by any codicil or codicils to
my Will to be hereafter by me given and bequeathed unto my said sister
Mary Ann Meyrick her Executors administrators and assigns to and for her
and their own use and benefit absolutely.
And I nominate and appoint the said
Thomas Palmer and Thomas Anthony Palmer Executors of this my will.
And I give and devise unto and to the use of them the said Thomas
Palmer and Thomas Anthony Paler their heirs and assigns all such
hereditaments and real estate as are vested in me as a trustee or
Mortgagee in fee but upon the trusts and subject to the Equities affecting
the same Estates and lastly I so hereby revoke annul and make void all
former and wills by me at any time heretofore made or published and do
declare this will present writing only contained in this and the two
preceding sheets of paper as and for my last will and testament in witness
whereof I have hereunto subscribed my hand the fourth day of October in
the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine.
Wm. Foxton signed and published and
declared by the above named William Foxton as and for his last Will and
Testament in the presence of us present at the same time who in his
presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto
subscribed and named as witnesses…
Tho. Pinkett=Fred Davis /Essex Court
Proved at
London 7th June 1841 before the Worshipful Judge Thomas Trall
Master of Laws at Surrogate by the oaths of Thomas Palmer and Thomas
Anthony Palmer the executors to whom admon was granted having been first
sworn duly to administer.