From Britain 2
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Family Trees
William Foxton b.1725
Rev. George Foxton
Dr. John Foxton
Capt. John Foxton
John Greenlaw Foxton
Dr. W. Foxton Hayley
Col. Justin F G Foxton
The Pantons
Dr Harold V Foxton
Rev. G.F.H. Foxton
Postcards 1900-1910
Letters 1805-1920
Electoral Rolls to 1936
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Within Australia3

From Britain1

From Britain2

From Europe
Postcards addressed to Miss Mildred Foxton, The Priory, Indooroopilly, Brisbane.

Bridge of Sighs


30 June 1906

cambridge pic.jpg (161294 bytes) cambridge text.jpg (116090 bytes)

George Square Glasgow

16 January 1907

glasgow2 pic.jpg (139692 bytes) glasgow2 text.jpg (107178 bytes)

Elstow Church

15 November 1906

elstowchurch pic.jpg (97099 bytes) elstowchurch text.jpg (149932 bytes)

Prince of Wales

26 May 1906

prince wales pic.jpg (168726 bytes) prince wales text.jpg (90615 bytes)

Prince Edward of Wales

16 May 1906

princeedward pic.jpg (176044 bytes) princeedward text.jpg (114806 bytes) Bath

13 April 1907


bath pic.jpg (121585 bytes) bath text.jpg (142831 bytes)