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1 Letters from
J.G. Foxton Letters from HV
Foxton Letters from Dick Foxton
Letters or extracts from ....
from Emily
Panton's letter to her eldest sister in 1864 |
6th 1864
are some very nice girls. They
have been living here some time. They are the Foxtons. Oh they are so nice
and they have a brother who is the nicest boy in town. You ask Isabel if
he isn’t. His name is Justin, he is very very handsome. He plays the
piano very nicely and dances beautifully. So you may guess who he
Mary Panton
from Rev. George Frederick Hardman Foxton, possibly to John Greenlaw
Foxton |
Dawsmere Vicarage
25 Nov 1892
accordance with my promise at the commencement of the week, I have filled
in the part marked with red in the sketch which I now return. I believe
the John Foxton marked as of Twyning died at Ludlow-Galop where he
practised as a Medical Man, and was very highly esteemed. It is very
probable I may be in Town early in Dec. and if so, I would do myself the
pleasure of calling if you would allow me.
am quite unable to give you any information regarding William Foxton whose
name stands first in the list.
have written to my son in America for an impression of the seal, and will
write on getting his reply.
very truly,
John Foxton, GFH Foxton's grandfather
Foxton (b.1725?) Interestingly, the family was interested in
author (possibly one of the Marley children) to cousin, Harold V. Foxton,
regarding great-grandmother, Wilhemina
Fox (then Foxton, then Jones)
told me she didn’t see that her Grandmother’s second marriage was so
disastrous, as she remembered as a child that he (Mr. Jones) was a very
nice man and their children were very nice, and she never heard of the
business or the loss of their money.
widow of Captain John Foxton RN had two children, John Greenlaw Foxton
born 7 Jan 1811, and Anne born the same year in Dec 1811. John married
Isabel Potts – they were our grandparents. Isabel’s two sisters,
Lellie and Fanny were mothers of the Herring and Moody families.
Foxton married James Robertson of Sydney (a brother of Sir John
Robertson). John and Anne Foxton were very much alike and their children
also very alike. The Jones’ half brothers and sisters all had the same
likeness – the same long nose.
of these Jones children married three Dawsons of Sydney (2 brothers and a
sister of the one family married 2 sisters and a brother of the other
Foxton and his cousins Willie and Wattie Robertson had similar features,
and Mrs Sheaffe and Cousin Emma Leurs were also Robertsons and very like
the Foxtons.
Emma Dawson, wife of John Dawson, solicitor, Sydney, was absurdly like
Grandfather and was his half sister. William Jones of Melbourne was his
half brother and had sons Maffro and Murray Jones. When you were with Aunt
Milly, Harry, you may have met them. Aunt Charlotte and Ettie Jones lived
in a nice little modern home “White Lodge” Toorak, and were very nice
from Katherine Foxton to George Lardner and Annie Foxton in Wyoming in
Vicarage, Holbeach, Lincoln, England
afternoon, March 12, 1895
Dearest George & Annie
my writing to you both together (word???).
I have no time to write separately today & I know you will be
glad to get a letter.
Father wrote to you last week letting you of dear little Alice's
Everything was done that could be done, every attention & the
best of nursing, but no use, does not it seem hard that she should die.
She did not know mercifully that she was dying & she did not
ask for anyone.
Papa told you all about it, that she was not allowed to see anyone,
but it does seem to hard darling little Alice.
was buried last Friday next to dear Fanny.
I never saw anything so lovely as the flowers that were sent from
all parts of the country heaps & heaps of roses and wreaths & her
grave is covered with the most lovely white ones you can imagine.
& we have had hundreds of letters everyone loved Alice, she was
so sweet & such a baby in lots of things & all her dear ways.
you had been in England George you could not have seen her the doctor dare
not let anyone, just on the Saturday & Sunday (the days before she
died) she was so much better, they thought, that Papa was allowed for a
minute or two, but she was so afraid of not doing as Doctor Harris said.
so would not let him stay long.
is well.
Keeping up far better than I every thought he would do so far.
Ernest Barrett & his brother have been over here & only
went yesterday.
Poor Ernest he looks awful, they had made such plans for their
future it seems to cruel, & she was so badly wanted.
dear old girl I hope you are taking care of yourself it is not that I
don't think of you & George that I so seldom write.
I am sure we often & often talk about you.
When are we to see little Margery's photograph.
It was so so miserable the funeral on Friday - dreadful but Mary
says she looked so happy after she died & it was so sudden at last
they thought her so very very much better.
I should love to have been with her when she was ill dear little
I can never forget the awful week I had here alone and how I felt
when I saw Mary come back & the last I had heard from Ely was - she
was much better.
Mary had gone down there the day before (from Harrow where she was
staying 3 weeks) Mary says she is writing on Friday.
Clearer than me, she will be.
Love to you both,
loving sister Katie
is here waiting so try & make this out.
No time for more now.