From young JRV (Dick) Foxton
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Letters to his father and step-mother, 1919 - 1920

Grange School

Domain Road

Sth. Yarra


Dear Anne

Thank you for the letter. I hope you are quite well. I suppose I will have to call you Mum now. I went to the Bells yesterday, and they took me to a Carnival at Clayton. It was very nice. Only two horses fell over the hurdles and one nearly broke its back. I had a lovely time at Ballarat.


Good-bye Anne with love from Dick


Innisfail Rd




Dear Anne

I hope you are quite well. I left the Hospital on Tuesday afternoon, and am staying down at Frankston, with Miss Turner. I am sorry that I could not write before this, but I did not have any writing things down there. I am feeling much better and am walking about now. I liked the hospital much better than I thought I would. I hope to be back at school learning my lessons in five more days. The house is on a hill, and I can get a good view of everywhere from here. I wonder how Laddie and the other dogs are and especially the pups.

Good-bye Anne

With much love from 

Dick Foxton

Grange School

Domain Road

Sth. Yarra


Dear Dad

I hope you are quite well. I am going to Alma with the Bell's for the May holidays. We break up on Thursday, and get a fortnight's holiday. I went to the boat race on Friday, and Saturday. They had the three heads on Friday and the final on Saturday. Geelong Grammar, Scotch and Xavier were in the final. Geelong Grammar won by half a canvas, and Xavier last by two lengths and a half.


With love from Dick


Grange School

Domain Road

Sth. Yarra


Dear Dad

Thank you for the letter. I hope you and Anne are quite well. I saw the Prince, and the illuminations. I am back at school now. It is very wet (now). Tomorrow we are going to Sandringham, but we won't go if it is wet.

Good-bye Dad

With love from Dick


Grange School

Domain Road

Sth. Yarra

Dear Anne

I hope you are quite well. I am going in to the Hospital to get my tonsils out on Monday night. Dr. Lynch says I won't be in the hospital more than two days. I went to town yesterday morning with three of the boys and bought a model biplane. I haven't had a chance of flying it because it has been too windy. WE break up on the 26th August, and come back on the 21st. September. We went to the Domain yesterday afternoon and had some buns. The Prince asked that all the schools in Victoria should have an extra week's holiday. We are going to get a copy of the letter that he wrote to the boys an girls of Victoria. Mrs. Bell is taking me for the holidays.


Love from Dick

Grange School

Domain Road

Sth. Yarra



Dear Anne,

I am just writing some more lines to thank you for the cakes. I got them yesterday and like them very much. I am going to a hospital called Rossmore near school for my tonsils. I am going there tomorrow night. I have gained four lbs in three weeks and am 6 st. 1lb. now. 


Much love from Dick



Dear Anne

I am in bed with the "Measles", I have been in bed for a week today but am getting up soon. I only have it slightly. One of the masters has just come back from a holiday after having the "Scarlet Fever". He is going to teach on Monday. There is only one boy in the hospital with "Scarlet Fever". He will soon be out now. I am allowed to read now. I would have liked to see the aeroplane crash in the river. When is the Prince going to visit Brisbane? Is Dad well?

Good-bye Anne

Love from Dick



Dick's father, Harold V. Foxton married Anne Bell in 1919 in Melbourne, and moved to Brisbane. Dick was about 9 years old. He stayed in Melbourne for school. Anne's parents (when in Melbourne) apparently took him out, and also had him at home at "Alma", Booligal, NSW for a school holiday.