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Captain John Foxton William H. Fox
H.M.Ship, London, 1805 Ripon, 1817



Letter from Capt. John Foxton to Mrs. Mary Turner (nee Foxton)

H.M. Ship, London


Nov 2 1805

Dear Madam

Having been in town about a month since, where I had the pleasure of seeing your niece, Miss Amelia Foxton, from whom I gained your address. I think it a duty incumbent on me to write to you which presumption I trust you will pardon, as it is intended to express a due sense of gratitude for all your good wishes respecting Miss Amelia and self, whom I am conscious only exist for each other,  tho’ from my present situation of life I can have no claim on here, yet I trust in providence, who never forsakes those who put their trust in Him, that I shall previous to the conclusion of peace acquire a fortune adequate to my wishes, or never more return, as this world would be to me a scene of misery without her, and her father having objected to our corresponding during my absence, the cause of which I have already stated and which you are undoubtedly well acquainted with,  induces me to think we are doomed never to be happy. It is needless my saying I should be happy in having the honour to receive a few lines from you, but having been informed by Amelia that you dislike writing I will not press it but subscribe myself.

Yours dutiful cousin

Jn. Foxton

P.S. When you write to Lambeth may I beg the favour of you to make my kind love to Amelia, and her sister Caroline.


  • Letter address: Mrs. Turner, St. Mary’s St. Newport, Shropshire.

  • John Foxton was 18 years old at the time of writing

  • He married Wilhemina Fox

  • Amelia Foxton married John Henderson

  • Caroline Foxton married William Hayley

Letter from William H. Fox to daughter, Wilhemina Foxton (nee Fox) on death of her husband

Letter addressed to : Mrs. Foxton, Blue Stile, Greenwich Road, Kent



July 14, 1817

My dear Mrs. Foxton

Receive, my poor child, a little consolation, it is in the power of your poor Father to bestow, for great is your trouble, and greatly and most truly does it grieve your Mother and me. Look up then my dear child to that almighty Being, who in his infinite power and wisdom afflicts us, and pray for that comfort, he alone is able to bestow. He will not forsake you in this extremity. We also direct our prayers to him, that he may grant you his Grace, to bear with fortitude and submission to his Divine Will, the heavy affliction with which it has pleased him to visit us. I hope those friends who are with you, will endeavour to alleviate ad soften your grief (indeed I have no doubt but they will) for your own sake, as well as the dear children and ours. I likewise trust you will exert yourself to bear with as much patience as possible this dispensation of Divine Providence. I wish we were nearer to you, or that we could in any way aid in helping your sorrow, or assist you in supporting it with resignation, tho’ we stand in need ourselves of that fortitude we commend to you to bear a loss we so sincerely deplore.


Let us hear of you thro’ Susan or some friend, who will be so good to do us that favour, as we shall be most unhappy till we have some intelligence of you.


I remain,

My dear Mrs. Foxton


Y’r affectionate Father,

Wm. H. Fox


  • Captain John Foxton R.N. died at St. Helena, after assisting in the transporting of Napoleon Bonaparte  to St. Helena.
  • Wilhemina Foxton was 24 years old at the time of her husband's death; she had two children aged 5 and 6 years old,  and two infant children had died earlier in the same year.
  • Ripon is north of York, England - William H. Fox's father was the Dean of York.