From W. L. Marley
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Letter written by Dr. Willam Lane Marley to his wife, Edith Marley (née Foxton)

24th August 1883

My dearest Edith,

As I do not think that I shall be with you long I wish to mention a few things for your guidance.

In the first place, do not spend an unnecessary penny upon my funeral and get away from Port Douglas as soon as you can. If Justin cannot come to you, you will of course go to him until you can decide what is best to be done for yourself and the children. My Will is in the hands of the Queensland National Bank together with my Policies of Insurance, the title to that small piece of land in Stanthorpe and script for three shares in the Masonic Hall Company.

If when everything is sold and the Insurance money received, you can manage to rub on without touching your Capital, you may be able to go to England when Mr Wilson is paid off - I think that you could live as cheaply and educate the children better there than in Australia, but a great deal will depend upon how the money is invested.

I am sure that my Brothers and Sisters would do all that they could for you.

It would have made matters a little smoother for you if the Insurance Company had accepted by last application, but I am afraid I would not now be accepted by any other Office. If you marry again, I would urge you to have all you possess settled upon yourself. I know that you have more sense than to marry any foolish young scapegrace, simply because he may be handsome but there are so many ups and downs in the Colonies, that your small Income, might be of great use to you.

If possible I would like Miles to have a profession, - I often worry myself about your future and that of the children as I can see that there is no chance of my saving money and I cannot expect to live to see them settle in life and I am sorry to admit that if I had not been so careless and improvident I might have done better for you all, but I trust that God will look after you and them and spare them to be a blessing to you when you grow old, as you have been a real blessing to me since you have been my dearly beloved Wife.

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